Japan radio brings you to listen to a wide variety of the best broadcast, latest news, favorite song and also another story. Everything you listen to directly from your smartphone. Best of all, you get to access all this for free with Radio Japan !!- Beautiful and easy volume control (with side button and touch screen too)- Special animated background- Supports background play- Supports interruptions and resumes playback (eg.: getting phone call)- Supports headphones being inserted and removed (radio stops when headphones removed)- Listing radio stations on separate page- Add default radio stations (the phone read from your custom list)- Add your custom stations/favorit station you want (local data storage)- Animated buffering
Radio ListAnimeNfo RadioManganime RadioNHK Radio JapanVocaloid RadioAsia DREAM RadioMetal HardRadio Kishiwada ラヂオきしわだ - FM 79.7 - KishiwadaOmohara RadioRadio Japan 8Retro PC GAME Music RadioKittikun Minimal TechnoAEGYO RADIO KPOPFM Odawara - FM 78.7A3K RadioAmami FM - FM 77.7NHK World Radio [English]Shonan Beach FM 78.9FM Tamba FM丹波 79.0J-Club Asia DREAM RadioFM Nirai FMニライ - FM 79.2Soulful Web StationRadio Japan 7Radio Soulful Web Station 2ENERGY98 - FM 98.0KoreiinaFM世田谷 - FM 83.4Radio Japan 3Chiru.noHardrave Radio.jp三角山放送局 - FM 76.2Radio Progressive HouseJ-Christmas15 asia DREAM RadioRadio Metropolitana FMRadio HayamaRadio Japan 5レディオ湘南 - FM 83.1Radio Soulful Web Station 2ENERGY98 - FM 98.0KoreiinaFM世田谷 - FM 83.4Radio Japan 3Chiru.noHardrave Radio.jp三角山放送局 - FM 76.2Radio Progressive HouseJ-Christmas15 asia DREAM RadioさくらFM - FM 78.7Radio Metropolitana FMRadio HayamaRadio Japan 5レディオ湘南 - FM 83.1
Note: - Some radio stations may be temporarily unavailable, it's depending on the broker not on Radio United States of America.- Please leave us your feedback in order to further improve the use of Radio United States and thank you.- Leave your comment for future list update